Mission & Vision
We exist to reach the unchurched with the love of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ!
We desire to see lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Our History
In March 1986, the Lord put a burning desire into a young minister’s heart to go to Dublin Georgia to start a mission. His name was Minister Charlie Smith. We know him now as Superintendent Elder Dr. Charlie Smith. Supporting him was his wife Sis. Gladys Smith, Sis. Annie Doris Barton, Sis. Janice Bembry, Sis Mae Hattie Thomas, and Deacon Johnny Thomas. Several house services were held by Elder Quainton Neloms the District Superintendent, Elder Leroy Sampson, and Elder Walter Baker from 1983-1985 toward the establishment of a mission in the city of Dublin, Ga. With zeal, a drive, and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, Minister Charlie Smith began to have several house services. The first service was held in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Blue on March 10, 1986. During this anointed and powerful service, many prayers and supplication went up to God. It was evident that the Lord heard our prayers because Mr. Clarence Blue was healed from his illness. Sister Janice Bembry welcomed us to have prayer services in her home. The Lord was blessing in abundance! Souls were saved and people were healed from their illnesses.
As timed progressed, the Lord was truly blessing us and adding souls to the mission. We were in need of a dwelling place. The Lord blessed us! Sis. Janice Bembry’s father Mr. Pate Berry, Jr. had just what we needed at this time, a building on Telfair St. in Dublin. Being established in a building, on April 26, 1987, the Sanctuary at 1400 Telfair St. was dedicated. It was a fact that if you didn’t come to Sunday school, you would not be able to get a seat for worship service at 12 noon. Again, we were in need of a larger building. After facing many negative obstacles from the city planning and zoning department, the Lord gave Pastor Smith the victory. The national church approved and granted permission to construct a church in December 1993.
On August 31, 2012, our beloved First Lady Gladys Smith was called by God from labor to reward. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Through this difficult transition, Elder Smith and the congregation of Loose and Bind Church of God by Faith stood strong. And through it all, Elder Smith was strengthened by God and was a pillar of strength for his family and his congregation.
Though this transition was unexpected, the work of God continued, and the church continued to grow. In time, God blessed Elder Smith to find companionship in Sister Zellene White. In November 2013, they were married. Sister Zellene White Smith joined the fellowship of the Loose and Bind Saints and worked alongside her new husband.
Over the years, the membership has grown, but several who were under the ministry have gone home to be with the Lord. However, as we know, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Those who will forever be remembered are: Elder Willie Mack Coleman (1917-1987), Deacon Pate Berry, Jr. (1934-1996), Mother Addie Bell Watkins (1924-2002), Sis Kimberly Denson (1966-2001), Min. Porter (1954-2008), First Lady Gladys Smith (1946-2012) and our beloved founder, Elder Charlie C Smith (1945 -2022).